Once upon a time humans were adapted to run or fight when they encountered predators, there is also a freeze response that is triggered when our body senses there is no way out of the situation. If we watch the nature channel we can see gazelles running from lions but once they are caught they will freeze or just stop fighting. These same patterns of response are hardwired into us. The only difference is that most of the time our fight or flight response is getting triggered when we’re not actually having to outrun a predator but just sitting in our office after an unpleasant conversation with a coworker. What happens then is that we are left with this nervous energy and adrenaline just sitting within us and not getting discharged. Some of our work is finding ways to physically release that pent up stress and complete the stress response cycle. For some people and some situations that’s yogic breathing, other people or situations need a good run to fully discharge.